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Day of the Dead:Decorando calaveras de azúcar

Updated: Feb 1

This is an online activity that I use during the month of October to commemorate the Day of the Dead. My one-on-one students decorate this skull with different shaped icons while they practice their speaking by naming the shapes of the icons. Make sure to model the decoration of the skull if your students are young. I like giving freedom to my students to be as creative as they want to be. I always tell them that they can make more copies of the icons or add extra icons. They can also make them bigger or smaller or change the colors if they would like to.

Instructional video to assist in understanding the activity

This is an example of the activity "Calaveritas de azúcar" with one of my online students. Take a look at the video and get an idea of how to guide your students during this Day of the Dead celebration. Here I am showing a quick example, please make sure to practice the vocabulary as much as your students need before starting the activity. Also, make sure to introduce the parts of the face and the colors vocabulary if they don't know them so they can describe their skull.

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